Hello everyone!
I am so glad to inform you that after all of our hard work and dedication, sugarblushjewelry.com is now open!
I would like to thank all of our friends that have been supporting our creations since the beginning of this journey last October, and now we are moving to a broader audience and we need your help more than ever! Please forward our site to all your friends, coworkers, and family members that you think enjoy art as much as you.
I would also like to thank my family and specially my lovely husband, Daniel, without his patience, love, guidance, and support this project would be sitting in a pile of papers together with many others that I never cultivated. I want to thank my parents, who have been by my side even in the distance, always providing me with words of wisdom and their unconditional support.
I also would like to let you know we are not going to be one of those obnoxious stores that send emails every day, we will be sending out one email a month introducing new pieces and materials of the collections and letting you know about special offers, discounts, trunk shows, and more.
The easiest way to contact me directly is now through my website or to my corporate email:
veronica@sugarblushjewelry.com, any comments or custom orders are always welcomed!
Have a wonderful 2009!
With Love
The SugarblushDesigns Team
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